this is the story on the day u were born..
ur due date suppose to be on 22 July 2008.. but then ummi need to go for pregnancy checkup for every 2weeks when the date is just around the corner..
so on 14th of July 2008 ummi n ayah went for the routine check up.. ummi did not bring any bag with me because i thought it was just a routine check up..
so as usual.. we went out from home at about 8.30 am.. the appointment was at 9-10am.. but then we need to fetch tok ayah at bandar tasik selatan lrt becoz tok ayah need to go for his check up as well.. so we arrived at hukm at abt 10am... usually ummi will do the check up with Dr Azurah.. the O&G specialist.. but today Dr Azurah was not i do the check up with the medical officer.. so at 1st just follow the normal routine..
1. put the appointment book at the counter...
2. make payment
3. weight, blood pressure n glucose test
from the last check up..dr Azurah did asked me to do detailed scan on this check up..just to make sure everything is i went n do the scan.. n this is where everything started.. usually scanning process will only take a few minutes..but this time it was longer..but the sonographer did not tell me anything.. but he did asked a few advise from the senior sonographer.. ummi started to notice sumthing was not right...ummi kept asking him..but he's still acted calm and like everything is fine.. his quite good at it maybe he did not wants ummi n ayah to last after ummi was scanned by the senior sonographer.. he explained to us that sumthing is not rite because my water bag seem like become less.. and baby's(YOU) heartbeat became slower.. they suspected that blood supplies did not goes to to you.. GOSH! at that time ummi heartbeat became so much faster.. all i can do was to pray that u'll be fine.. the sonographer did mention we may need to induce to bring u out faster.. but he asked me to go n c the doctor for confirmation..
so ummi n ayah waited outside to go n checked with the doctor.. it take quite long..after waited about 1hr i last it was our turn.. doctor started to do all the counting and everything and she did the confirmation that sumthing was not normal.. she did the VE.. but it is still did not show any signs of me giving birth.. but she said it was soft and we can try to induce.. urghh ummi was so scared at that time..
doctor asked ummi to admit at before 4pm..but she didnt gave me permission to go home.. ummi asked if it is ok to go for lunch n zuhur prayer .. n she said its ok..but i cant take long time because she want to induce me at 4pm.. so we went for zuhur prayer n lunch.. during the zuhur prayer ummi did solat taubat as well.. who knows rite if it will be the end of everything..ummi was so scared at that time.. then met tok ayah n ummi ya at the cafe..they were surprised and worried....
then ummi headed straight away to O&G emergency unit and was warded.. 1st ummi have the ward orientation with the nurse.. she explained everything that ummi need to where is the toilet..visiting hour n bla bla bla..then there are doctors n interns who came asked questions and do some check up.. then the doctor did the induce at about 4pm.. she did mention if nuthing happen untill next morning they need to induce me again..but if still no signal of giving birth after 3 times induce we need to go for the caeserean.. urghh.. ummi was so damn worried.. what we can do is only to pray to Allah so that everything will be fine be continue...
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