happy 40th day old to u .. heehehe today we celebrate our 40days being together as a family..huh time flies rite..i can still remember the day u were born..it felt like it was just yesterday.. hehe
be4 we go n celebrate.. ayah n ummi went to giant 1st to get ur new thermos.. dalila tinggal rumah with tok at that time.. hehe sian die..
dalila's new thermos n tumbler

ok then start ler our celebrating part.. at first ummi wants to celebrate our 40 days at mid valley.. but then because we want to survey stroller for u as well we decided to go to one utama.. 1st it is just u,ummi,ayah n tok only..but then..makngah, raudhah, nusrah, paksu ali, maksu murni n mukhlis want to join us..so there we go..one big happy family at one utama.. hehe..
we arrive at ou at abt 4pm kot.. so the main agenda while we were there was to survey u n mukhlis stroller.. we went to jusco, chicco, toys r us, toy city, mothercare and etc.. but there were 2 strollers that really caught ummi n ayah's attention.. 1st is graco n another one is combi.. ummi loves that graco very much..it's not as expensive as combi..but than ..combi can bring the handle 2way..hmm konpius konpius we haven't decide which one yet..but will survey at other place as well.. we were at ou untill 10++pm.. usually when we went out..dalila will be such an angel..tido jek..but then today.. u r a bit meragamm.. maybe u r not use to ur new botak hair yet hehe.. u sleep only for a little while..the rest u were awake, crying..n mnum susu.. guess what..for that 6hours time..u feed about 5bottle of 90ml milk..hehe a lot rite?? maybe because u r not comfortable kot.. xpela as long as u grow up fine ek..
oh yeap..when we were there ummi bought u a new romper from FOS.. it was su cute n ummi cant resist to buy one hehe..
on our way back, we stop by at ummi favorite makan place..TOKONG!! yippie..ummi really miss to makan here.. hehe.. after having our dinner..we went back home..
sadly to say , ummi did not snap any pic when we was at ou..becoz ummi was so busy with u n surveying.. so down here is only a pic of u inside the car on the way to ou.. so enjoy..
u n ur new rompers with ur bouncer given by makngah
1 comment:
Hi There
wah wah so cute ....any planning for 2nd child.Congrat
From me BOL X Chatter
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