On Sunday (18 July 2010) we managed to have a little bday bash for u dear..Alhamdulillah every thing went fine just like what we planned for..and the most important thing is almost everything was HOMEMADE :) including the cake..yeay.. it was not a big party..but a nice and memorable one, attended by family and close friends..it started at 2pm..and finished at almost 6 maybe..cant remember the exact time..u were a little bit sleepy becoz u missed ur evening nap but u still behaved well..down here is all the details n pics of the party.....
The Menu
1. The HOMEMADE Cake (by ummie & tok ;) )
2. Spaghetti Bologneise (by ummie)
3. Mushroom soups & Garlic bread( by campbells + ummie ;) )

4. Watemellon Lychee Punch (by ayah :) )
The Guests
(kalau ade yg tertinggal..sowii..)
ok now lets look at the pic taken before..during...& after the party.. will not write more coz ummi believe that a pic is worth a thousand words ;)..so enjoy

.my beloved little precious birthday girl.
4. Watemellon Lychee Punch (by ayah :) )
The Guests
(kalau ade yg tertinggal..sowii..)
ok now lets look at the pic taken before..during...& after the party.. will not write more coz ummi believe that a pic is worth a thousand words ;)..so enjoy
.my beloved little precious birthday girl.
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