Monday, October 5, 2009

~growing ups~

dalila's been a looong looooong time sice my last update ..huhu sorry dear been bz with our hectic life..u are already 1 year 2 months old..huh time flies rite.. i can still remember the day u were born n felt like it was just yesterday...

so my dear big big's are some update of ur progress...

1. u are already WALKING..huh congrtas dear.. hehe u start walking when u were 1year and 2weeks :)

2. u TALKED :).. these are some of your vocabs..ummi..ayah..tok...nenek...klesh (mukhlis)..popah(opah)..mamam..bobom..bapak..bob.. nanak.. and LOTS MORE!!..:) i'm a proud ummie yeay!

3. u can be very GARANG sumtimes hehe..when u r angry u will start to make ur angry cat sounds hehe..and u will decide whether to call me ummi or dAdA...huh!

4. and lots lots more... in other word u are already a big big gurl..n ummie and ayah loves u very much..
being an angel during raye haji..

with ayah ...watching the cow's slaughter session...n becoz of this ummi cant eat the beef because ummi pity the cow..huhuh aperler

out moment..@ au2 jusco..beautiful baby's room

ummi look..i can roll over

gath with ummis friends at pelita bangsar

my first eating nasik time

my bushuk face..ummies friend muncung boleh sangkut baju..

playing with the doll

goin' to sumbody kenduri (xingatler)

. aksi tido .

~swimming time~

.angel . focus. restless.


Dini Dalila is 1 year old
(15 July 2009)
celebration date : 19 july 09
place: tok's house (melawati)

on the celebration day there are some tragedy happen..
when we..(me,u n ayah) went out to get the cake and kfc hat morning, we was hit by a reckless GEN2 driver..huhuhu and our new mr bumble humble got knocked.urghh..
but thanx to Allah, everything settled already

dalila's special 1year old cake..
design by : ummi..
baked by : secret recipes

1 year old gifts

makan durian time
like father like daughter

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